EP 2-13 Looking Forward – Looking Back


For the start of a new year, we’re leading off with a look back at the last, as we hear from trail correspondent Hey Girl and special guest Sphagnum PI. We follow along on the crazy ride from the night before the finish of the Appalachian Trail to a few months later. If you’re looking for some encouragement in taking the plunge on your own thru-hike, this might be the episode for you.

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  1. I’ve got your podcasts on my MP3 player. I’ll be listening on my thru-hike beginning 3/13/17. If you need another trail correspondent I’ll volunteer. I’m vlogging on my YouTube channel. RoamingGnome

  2. Thanks so much for the new podcast!! I am well beyond the years when I could think about hiking the trai., but I still love to hear the stories. Gizmo and all the correspondents — You do a wonderful job of capturing the experience for us all.

  3. thanks for the commitment to make this episode happen – – – you continue to make an amazing difference. I sent the link to my son, who has asked me to go with him for about 4 weeks this summer to hike a portion of the Sierra Nevada. I hope he is inspired by Hey Girl’s encouragement “Do what Sings to your heart & don’t be afraid to change directions.” The intent is to hike mid Aug to mid Sept!

  4. Hey Gizmo, our AZT launch inches closer. March 1st off to Tucson, then hitting the trail March 3. IN the meantime, our son Austin forwarded this. I think you’ll enjoy. Maybe you can connect with her. Reminds me of the elephant episode. Cheers,
    Bruce and Cynthia

    • Hi Bruce & Cynthia!

      Are you doing the whole AZT? Or just sections? My boyfriend and I are doing a section of it around that time!

  5. Thanks for the shout out to protecting public lands! So important for us all to be aware of. Kudos to another great podcast. Every time I think I’m too old to hike the AT I listen to your podcast and wonder am I?

  6. Just want to say thanks for all the great podcasts you’ve given us! I listen to them at home and at work to pump myself up–my PCT start date is April 26th and I am terrified and very excited. So much snow.

    Question for you–I’m a television animator by trade and considering recording some interview audio on the trail to animate a short film with when I get home. Would you mind telling me what sort of recording devices have your correspondents been using?

    Again, thank you for all the wonderful information and insight that Sounds of the Trail has been providing.